The other day, I was looking through my box, trying to find the pictures from the NSYNC concert, to post on my last blog. In the box, I came upon a story I wrote in English class in 10th grade.
Everyone in class had to write a story from another character's perspective. After we were done, we were all divided into groups, and were given a few stories to read. Then it was up to the group to pick the best one of the bunch.
My story was chosen as the best, in the group that read it. It was the second time that a story of mine had been chosen as "the best", the first time was in the 4th grade, when I wrote a story about a mouse named Amanda. All the 4th grade teachers had to pick one story, and mine was it. (I wish my mom was a pack rat like me, because I would love to have that! It was printed in a special school newspaper and everything!)
So, for your reading pleasure, I'm going to share my 10th grade story. Enjoy my goofiness!!
Little Red Riding Hood: By The Wolf
This is the story of Little Red Riding Hood. But not how you would normally hear it.
If it were up to me, it would be called, Little Brat in an Ugly Red Coat.
You're probably wondering why I hate the little idiot. Well, I'll tell you.
It all started one cool fall day. I was hanging out in the woods, as usual, minding my own business, when this little girl in a red coat came skipping my way.
She was carrying a basket, and me being the curious wolf that I am, kindly asked what she had in the basket.
And do you know what she said to me?!
"Get away from me you stupid wolf!! I don't have to show you anything!" "And even if I wanted to show you whats inside my basket, I couldn't show you today." "You see, I'm on my way to grandma's house, and don't have time for a stupid wolf like you!" And with that, she walked off.
Now is that rude or what?!
Since I knew she was going to grandma's house, I decided to beat her there and tell her grandma how much of a devil child her granddaughter was. That way when Red finally got there, her grandma would let her have it!
When I got there, I knocked on the door, then heard a voice say to come on in. So I did.
When I got inside, grandma was laying in bed.
Well, just as soon as she saw me she gave out this blood curdling scream, and wouldn't shut up! After a while I was afraid she would start to do herself harm! I mean, carrying on like that could give someone her age a heart attack or something!
I didn't want to see her suffer, so I did what any thoughtful wolf would do. I ate her.
I know it sounds bad, but think how I feel! I didn't even get the joy of telling old granny, about the true side of her freak grandchild!
After all that eating I got kind of sleepy, so I decided to take a nap. Just as I was walking over to the bed, I looked out the window and saw little Red, making her way up to the house.
Me, being the kind wolf that I am, didn't want her to find out that I had eaten her old granny. Not this way. Even if she was the rudest girl on Earth.
So, I put one of grandma's old night gowns on, and a night cap, and hopped into granny's bed. As soon as I got all covered up, Red came in.
She walked up to the bed and said, and I quote, "Gee granny, you're sure looking bad!" "Have you looked in a mirror lately?" "You're eyes are bulging out so much, you look like you sneezed with them open!"
"And those dentures!" "What was your dentist thinking?" "And I think you should see a doctor about all that facial hair you've suddenly grown!" "You'd think you've been taking steroids or something!"
Well that just did it! I wasn't going to try to be nice to that little idiot anymore! So, I jumped out of bed and started chasing her around the room.
Just then, this big wood chopper guy came running in out of nowhere, and started swinging his ax at me!
I tried to explain as I was dodging each and every swing, but he just wouldn't listen! So I did the only thing I could to save my life. I ran out of the house and back into the woods, never to see those two psychos again.
So the next time someone reads you that other version, just ignore it. Because I speak only the truth.
The End
The End
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(Original 10th grade illustration by my cousin Michelle and myself.) |
I'm glad I keep these little things from my past. It's fun to show my kids what I was like when I was younger. I laugh when I read this story, because it sounds just like me! Sure, my writing has improved since then, but when you look at the core of it, not much has changed.
I'm still as goofy as ever, and proud of it! So many people change as they grow older. Maybe they don't mean to change, but it just happens. Life may have thrown them some lemons, and they've forgotten how to make lemonade. Who knows really.
But I'm glad I can look back and say I'm still me.
HAHA! I love it, Amy. Pretty clever.
Thanks!;-) I thought it was a hoot.LOL
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