Saturday, August 28, 2010

And So It Begins.....

I guess the first post is always the hardest. Especially when nothing comes to mind to even write about!

 So, I'll just explain why I named this blog, Out Of The Blue Amy. You might as well know that I'm a HUGE sucker for cheesy pop music! I just can't help myself! It's a sickness I think..... Anyway, if you too are a pop genre fan, you would already know, that Out of the Blue is a hit 1987 song by Miss Debbie Gibson. You would also know that it's full of bubble-gum sweetness!;-)

  I have always been a big fan of hers, and I'm not ashamed to say so. I remember how excited I was when she came out with Electric Youth perfume!! It was such a cool bottle, the way it was shaped like a, well...I'm not sure what the shape was meant to be really. To me it looked kinda like a bolt or something? But it was see-through with a coil tube for the perfume to come out.

 I loved the way it smelled, and felt so grown-up when I wore it. Keep in mind, I was only 10 when it came out. I also remember how excited I felt when my mom bought me a t-shirt with the Electric Youth album cover on it. But after one wash, it was ruined. I was heart broken, because my cousin Leisa still had hers, and I wanted to be just like her!!

  Any-who, that's why I picked this blog name. That, and the fact that my thoughts are sometimes as random as they come, and the phrase, "Out of the blue" works on that level too. From the wise words of Shawn Spencer, "I've seen it both ways." Thanks for reading!

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