For me, it all started in the 4th grade, when a classmate introduced me to The New Kids On The Block. It was tween love at first sight. I remember having a framed picture of the group on my bedroom wall, and a huge poster of Joey McIntyre next to my bed.
Every girl had their favorite, and Joey was mine. MINE I SAY!! (Just kidding.)
But after they decided to "change their sound" and "set hotel rooms on fire", It suddenly wasn't cool to listen to them anymore. Sadly, I had to let them go. (I totally bought their greatest hits album after high school. Not to mention that they're back and awesome again!)
So, about 7 years go by without any boy band love, when what do I discover?
The boy band is back!!
And then the clouds opened up, and God said, "Amy, here ya go!! I'm so sorry it took so long, but to make it up to you, I decided to send not one boy band, but a whole boy band revolution!!"
Then the angels began to sing. Only it wasn't angels, it was The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC!!
I was a fan of both, but back then everyone had their favorite. The winner for me you ask?
Only this time around, there was a large poster of Lance Bass on my bedroom wall. All I listened to the summer of '98, was my Nsync CD. I drove my friends crazy. I loved it!
Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and I absolutely had to see them live! I had never been to a concert, and I decided that this was the one I had to see!! My friend/co-worker Jason, found me the tickets online, and suddenly I was in possession of 2 tickets to NSYNC. I didn't even care they were in the nosebleed section. I was going to see my Lance in person!!
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(Man, those were crappy seats!!) |
I couldn't believe the loudness of it! Girls are crazy! The sound of high-pitched screams will forever be burnt into my brain.
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(Wow, those were the days.) |
Ok, ok maybe he was looking up at my section, and not directly at me, but through the binocular eyes of a lovesick puppy, he was looking at me, and only me.;-)
Before I even had time to process it all, the concert was over and we were back at my aunt and uncle's house. That's when the reality set in, and I realized how let down I felt.
Yes, they put on a great concert, and their singing was wonderful, but I couldn't get over the fact, that I had watched the whole thing through binoculars. I vowed to never attend a concert again, unless I had decent seats.
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(Sad Amy, after the concert. Photo by |
By the time 2002 rolled around, the boy band was fading once again. I wondered how long I would have to wait this time.
(Luckily, I discovered Rascal Flatts filled the void. It wasn't the same mind you, but it worked for the time being.)
So, 8 years pass by (that seems to be the length of time between boy band outbreaks.) when my daughter discovers a new show on Nick, called Big Time Rush. We instantly fell hook, line, and sinker over them! (I'm so glad the lord blessed me with 2 girls!! It's much easier than being a 33 year old, closet BTR fan!lol)
In March, I saw on their Facebook page,(Yes, I'm a fan on Facebook. Once again, I am who I am!) that they would be performing at the Indiana State Fair on August 11th. I bought the tickets, making sure they weren't in the nosebleed section, as vowed before, and excitedly awaited for August to arrive. (Yes, the girls were excited too.)
(Waiting for the concert to start.) |
Her frown turned upside-down when Big Time Rush hit the stage! Once again, the high pitched sound of girly screams filled the air! And it turns out, our seats weren't that bad. I wouldn't pick them again, but not bad at all.
(Sooo much closer than I was to Nsync!!) |
I'm so glad I got to have this wonderful experience with my girls. I'm over the moon happy that they love a good boy band, just like their momma!
(Sadly, 2 days after the concert, the stage at the state fair collapsed due to a large wind gust. 7 people have died, and so many were injured. It made my heart happy to see that every member of Big Time Rush got on Twitter right away, to send their prayers to everyone involved in the tragedy. It was a classy thing to do, and just goes to show how
wonderful these guys are. Thanks Big Time Rush!)
My hopes are that they will come back this way next year, and we'll do it all over again. This time with closer seats. Trust me, you'll hear about it if we do!!
Long Live The Boy Band!!!
OH MY GOSH! You crack me up (33yr old BTR fan)! I had to look REALLY close to see you paid almost double for your nose bleed NSYNC tickets as you did for your Big Time Rush row 2 tickets!
Actually, the tickets were bought from someone selling them, so I had to pay around $60!! But I had to see them!!LOL Oh well, I was young and had money to
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