I'm going to make this post short and to the point, because I'm under the weather and just don't have the will power to do much.
And speaking of the phrase, "Under the weather"----what does that even mean?! Wait....now I want to google it and find out.
OK, so the phrase comes from a maritime source from a long time ago. When a sailor wasn't feeling well, he was sent down below to help his recovery, under the deck and away from the weather.
I guess things have a way of sticking. Why else would I still say "Gag me with a spoon" every once in a while?
To get back to the point of this post, I've felt blah since yesterday. Sore throat, tired, all motivation out the window.
And every time I get a sore throat, I automatically think about that old Chloraseptic commercial. You know, "It will hurt if I swallow....it will hurt if I swallow...it will hurt if I....Mommy!!!
In case you don't remember it, here it is
If the little girl looks familiar to you, it's because it's actress Anna Chlumsky, from the My Girl movies.
So yeah, I'm under the weather, I feel like saying gag me with a spoon to everything today, and I want my mommy.
Good Night!!
PS, Chloraseptic gives me a tummy ache.
My Memories of the Past, My Adventures in the Present, And Everything in Between.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Glad Thursday
I've always been a lover of fall, and knowing it's right around the corner makes my soul happy.
What are you glad about today?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
My 10th Grade Mind (FYI, Not Much Has Changed.)
I'm a pack rat you might say. I keep things that hold sentimental value to me. The things I keep are usually small, like cards, notes, movie tickets, and stuff like that. Small enough to be kept out of sight, so you won't have to worry about seeing me on an episode of Hoarders.
The other day, I was looking through my box, trying to find the pictures from the NSYNC concert, to post on my last blog. In the box, I came upon a story I wrote in English class in 10th grade.
Everyone in class had to write a story from another character's perspective. After we were done, we were all divided into groups, and were given a few stories to read. Then it was up to the group to pick the best one of the bunch.
My story was chosen as the best, in the group that read it. It was the second time that a story of mine had been chosen as "the best", the first time was in the 4th grade, when I wrote a story about a mouse named Amanda. All the 4th grade teachers had to pick one story, and mine was it. (I wish my mom was a pack rat like me, because I would love to have that! It was printed in a special school newspaper and everything!)
So, for your reading pleasure, I'm going to share my 10th grade story. Enjoy my goofiness!!
The other day, I was looking through my box, trying to find the pictures from the NSYNC concert, to post on my last blog. In the box, I came upon a story I wrote in English class in 10th grade.
Everyone in class had to write a story from another character's perspective. After we were done, we were all divided into groups, and were given a few stories to read. Then it was up to the group to pick the best one of the bunch.
My story was chosen as the best, in the group that read it. It was the second time that a story of mine had been chosen as "the best", the first time was in the 4th grade, when I wrote a story about a mouse named Amanda. All the 4th grade teachers had to pick one story, and mine was it. (I wish my mom was a pack rat like me, because I would love to have that! It was printed in a special school newspaper and everything!)
So, for your reading pleasure, I'm going to share my 10th grade story. Enjoy my goofiness!!
Little Red Riding Hood: By The Wolf
This is the story of Little Red Riding Hood. But not how you would normally hear it.
If it were up to me, it would be called, Little Brat in an Ugly Red Coat.
You're probably wondering why I hate the little idiot. Well, I'll tell you.
It all started one cool fall day. I was hanging out in the woods, as usual, minding my own business, when this little girl in a red coat came skipping my way.
She was carrying a basket, and me being the curious wolf that I am, kindly asked what she had in the basket.
And do you know what she said to me?!
"Get away from me you stupid wolf!! I don't have to show you anything!" "And even if I wanted to show you whats inside my basket, I couldn't show you today." "You see, I'm on my way to grandma's house, and don't have time for a stupid wolf like you!" And with that, she walked off.
Now is that rude or what?!
Since I knew she was going to grandma's house, I decided to beat her there and tell her grandma how much of a devil child her granddaughter was. That way when Red finally got there, her grandma would let her have it!
When I got there, I knocked on the door, then heard a voice say to come on in. So I did.
When I got inside, grandma was laying in bed.
Well, just as soon as she saw me she gave out this blood curdling scream, and wouldn't shut up! After a while I was afraid she would start to do herself harm! I mean, carrying on like that could give someone her age a heart attack or something!
I didn't want to see her suffer, so I did what any thoughtful wolf would do. I ate her.
I know it sounds bad, but think how I feel! I didn't even get the joy of telling old granny, about the true side of her freak grandchild!
After all that eating I got kind of sleepy, so I decided to take a nap. Just as I was walking over to the bed, I looked out the window and saw little Red, making her way up to the house.
Me, being the kind wolf that I am, didn't want her to find out that I had eaten her old granny. Not this way. Even if she was the rudest girl on Earth.
So, I put one of grandma's old night gowns on, and a night cap, and hopped into granny's bed. As soon as I got all covered up, Red came in.
She walked up to the bed and said, and I quote, "Gee granny, you're sure looking bad!" "Have you looked in a mirror lately?" "You're eyes are bulging out so much, you look like you sneezed with them open!"
"And those dentures!" "What was your dentist thinking?" "And I think you should see a doctor about all that facial hair you've suddenly grown!" "You'd think you've been taking steroids or something!"
Well that just did it! I wasn't going to try to be nice to that little idiot anymore! So, I jumped out of bed and started chasing her around the room.
Just then, this big wood chopper guy came running in out of nowhere, and started swinging his ax at me!
I tried to explain as I was dodging each and every swing, but he just wouldn't listen! So I did the only thing I could to save my life. I ran out of the house and back into the woods, never to see those two psychos again.
So the next time someone reads you that other version, just ignore it. Because I speak only the truth.
The End
The End
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(Original 10th grade illustration by my cousin Michelle and myself.) |
I'm glad I keep these little things from my past. It's fun to show my kids what I was like when I was younger. I laugh when I read this story, because it sounds just like me! Sure, my writing has improved since then, but when you look at the core of it, not much has changed.
I'm still as goofy as ever, and proud of it! So many people change as they grow older. Maybe they don't mean to change, but it just happens. Life may have thrown them some lemons, and they've forgotten how to make lemonade. Who knows really.
But I'm glad I can look back and say I'm still me.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Boy Bands: The Pop Cycle Continues
I have always admitted to being a sucker for boy bands. I can't help it! It's who I am!
For me, it all started in the 4th grade, when a classmate introduced me to The New Kids On The Block. It was tween love at first sight. I remember having a framed picture of the group on my bedroom wall, and a huge poster of Joey McIntyre next to my bed.
Every girl had their favorite, and Joey was mine. MINE I SAY!! (Just kidding.)
But after they decided to "change their sound" and "set hotel rooms on fire", It suddenly wasn't cool to listen to them anymore. Sadly, I had to let them go. (I totally bought their greatest hits album after high school. Not to mention that they're back and awesome again!)
So, about 7 years go by without any boy band love, when what do I discover?
The boy band is back!!
And then the clouds opened up, and God said, "Amy, here ya go!! I'm so sorry it took so long, but to make it up to you, I decided to send not one boy band, but a whole boy band revolution!!"
Then the angels began to sing. Only it wasn't angels, it was The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC!!
I was a fan of both, but back then everyone had their favorite. The winner for me you ask?
Only this time around, there was a large poster of Lance Bass on my bedroom wall. All I listened to the summer of '98, was my Nsync CD. I drove my friends crazy. I loved it!
Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and I absolutely had to see them live! I had never been to a concert, and I decided that this was the one I had to see!! My friend/co-worker Jason, found me the tickets online, and suddenly I was in possession of 2 tickets to NSYNC. I didn't even care they were in the nosebleed section. I was going to see my Lance in person!!
I talked my cousin Josh into taking me, and surprisingly he agreed. The concert was in Michigan, and we stayed at my aunt and uncle's house, since they lived down the road from where the concert was.
I couldn't believe the loudness of it! Girls are crazy! The sound of high-pitched screams will forever be burnt into my brain.
Surprisingly enough, I was mostly quiet through the whole thing. I think I was in shock.LOL I was at an NSYNC concert! And Lance was looking right at me! (I could tell, because I was staring at him the whole time through my binoculars. Nose bleed section, remember?)
Ok, ok maybe he was looking up at my section, and not directly at me, but through the binocular eyes of a lovesick puppy, he was looking at me, and only me.;-)
Before I even had time to process it all, the concert was over and we were back at my aunt and uncle's house. That's when the reality set in, and I realized how let down I felt.
Yes, they put on a great concert, and their singing was wonderful, but I couldn't get over the fact, that I had watched the whole thing through binoculars. I vowed to never attend a concert again, unless I had decent seats.
By the time 2002 rolled around, the boy band was fading once again. I wondered how long I would have to wait this time.
(Luckily, I discovered Rascal Flatts filled the void. It wasn't the same mind you, but it worked for the time being.)
So, 8 years pass by (that seems to be the length of time between boy band outbreaks.) when my daughter discovers a new show on Nick, called Big Time Rush. We instantly fell hook, line, and sinker over them! (I'm so glad the lord blessed me with 2 girls!! It's much easier than being a 33 year old, closet BTR fan!lol)
In March, I saw on their Facebook page,(Yes, I'm a fan on Facebook. Once again, I am who I am!) that they would be performing at the Indiana State Fair on August 11th. I bought the tickets, making sure they weren't in the nosebleed section, as vowed before, and excitedly awaited for August to arrive. (Yes, the girls were excited too.)
Finally it was the day of the concert! My friend Kristin drove, since I'm clueless about the Indy area. When we got to our seats, my oldest daughter Megan instantly was not happy. Yes the seats were in row 2, but we were a little too far over to the side, to see as well as we would have liked. I told her not to worry, and that we would still be able to see them.
Her frown turned upside-down when Big Time Rush hit the stage! Once again, the high pitched sound of girly screams filled the air! And it turns out, our seats weren't that bad. I wouldn't pick them again, but not bad at all.
The guys put on a wonderful show, and actually sing live, which you never know if you'll get these days. They are very sweet to their fans, and so far have proven themselves to be a classy group. I hope they are able to keep their heads above water, and stay that way!
I'm so glad I got to have this wonderful experience with my girls. I'm over the moon happy that they love a good boy band, just like their momma!
(Sadly, 2 days after the concert, the stage at the state fair collapsed due to a large wind gust. 7 people have died, and so many were injured. It made my heart happy to see that every member of Big Time Rush got on Twitter right away, to send their prayers to everyone involved in the tragedy. It was a classy thing to do, and just goes to show how
wonderful these guys are. Thanks Big Time Rush!)
My hopes are that they will come back this way next year, and we'll do it all over again. This time with closer seats. Trust me, you'll hear about it if we do!!
Long Live The Boy Band!!!
For me, it all started in the 4th grade, when a classmate introduced me to The New Kids On The Block. It was tween love at first sight. I remember having a framed picture of the group on my bedroom wall, and a huge poster of Joey McIntyre next to my bed.
Every girl had their favorite, and Joey was mine. MINE I SAY!! (Just kidding.)
But after they decided to "change their sound" and "set hotel rooms on fire", It suddenly wasn't cool to listen to them anymore. Sadly, I had to let them go. (I totally bought their greatest hits album after high school. Not to mention that they're back and awesome again!)
So, about 7 years go by without any boy band love, when what do I discover?
The boy band is back!!
And then the clouds opened up, and God said, "Amy, here ya go!! I'm so sorry it took so long, but to make it up to you, I decided to send not one boy band, but a whole boy band revolution!!"
Then the angels began to sing. Only it wasn't angels, it was The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC!!
I was a fan of both, but back then everyone had their favorite. The winner for me you ask?
Only this time around, there was a large poster of Lance Bass on my bedroom wall. All I listened to the summer of '98, was my Nsync CD. I drove my friends crazy. I loved it!
Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and I absolutely had to see them live! I had never been to a concert, and I decided that this was the one I had to see!! My friend/co-worker Jason, found me the tickets online, and suddenly I was in possession of 2 tickets to NSYNC. I didn't even care they were in the nosebleed section. I was going to see my Lance in person!!
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(Man, those were crappy seats!!) |
I couldn't believe the loudness of it! Girls are crazy! The sound of high-pitched screams will forever be burnt into my brain.
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(Wow, those were the days.) |
Ok, ok maybe he was looking up at my section, and not directly at me, but through the binocular eyes of a lovesick puppy, he was looking at me, and only me.;-)
Before I even had time to process it all, the concert was over and we were back at my aunt and uncle's house. That's when the reality set in, and I realized how let down I felt.
Yes, they put on a great concert, and their singing was wonderful, but I couldn't get over the fact, that I had watched the whole thing through binoculars. I vowed to never attend a concert again, unless I had decent seats.
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(Sad Amy, after the concert. Photo by Josh.lol) |
By the time 2002 rolled around, the boy band was fading once again. I wondered how long I would have to wait this time.
(Luckily, I discovered Rascal Flatts filled the void. It wasn't the same mind you, but it worked for the time being.)
So, 8 years pass by (that seems to be the length of time between boy band outbreaks.) when my daughter discovers a new show on Nick, called Big Time Rush. We instantly fell hook, line, and sinker over them! (I'm so glad the lord blessed me with 2 girls!! It's much easier than being a 33 year old, closet BTR fan!lol)
In March, I saw on their Facebook page,(Yes, I'm a fan on Facebook. Once again, I am who I am!) that they would be performing at the Indiana State Fair on August 11th. I bought the tickets, making sure they weren't in the nosebleed section, as vowed before, and excitedly awaited for August to arrive. (Yes, the girls were excited too.)
(Waiting for the concert to start.) |
Her frown turned upside-down when Big Time Rush hit the stage! Once again, the high pitched sound of girly screams filled the air! And it turns out, our seats weren't that bad. I wouldn't pick them again, but not bad at all.
(Sooo much closer than I was to Nsync!!) |
I'm so glad I got to have this wonderful experience with my girls. I'm over the moon happy that they love a good boy band, just like their momma!
(Sadly, 2 days after the concert, the stage at the state fair collapsed due to a large wind gust. 7 people have died, and so many were injured. It made my heart happy to see that every member of Big Time Rush got on Twitter right away, to send their prayers to everyone involved in the tragedy. It was a classy thing to do, and just goes to show how
wonderful these guys are. Thanks Big Time Rush!)
My hopes are that they will come back this way next year, and we'll do it all over again. This time with closer seats. Trust me, you'll hear about it if we do!!
Long Live The Boy Band!!!
Glad Thursday
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Bye Bye Week One!! |
Today, I'm glad that the first week of school is almost over! Unlike my kids, my husband and I are not morning people! And this year is extra hectic, since I have two kids in school.
I'm also glad that they both love their teachers, and actually want to go back every day.LOL That's the part that always makes me nervous. If you read my post about my kindergarten year, you'll understand.
What are you glad about today?
Monday, August 15, 2011
My First Rainbow Cake
Megan decided she wanted me to make her birthday cake this year, instead of buying one at the store like we usually do. She requested the rainbow cake that was featured in the August issue of Every Day with Rachael Ray.
I had seen rainbow cakes online before, but those looked like they would take a lot more effort than this one. I can't believe how easy this was!!
I wanted to make a layer cake, so I did two of these. It's a fun and easy cake to make, and everyone was in awe over it.
I had seen rainbow cakes online before, but those looked like they would take a lot more effort than this one. I can't believe how easy this was!!
Isn't it pretty? (Toot Toot! Yep, that was my horn.) |
The only thing I did differently, was that I skipped the yellow. I figured since my orange looked a little yellow, adding it wouldn't look as nice.
So, here are the directions, if you ever want to give it a try!
- Mix white cake batter according to the box directions.
- Divide it among 6 (or in my case 5) bowls, starting with 1/2 cup in the first bowl, and working your way up to 1 1/2 cups in the last bowl.
- Whisk a different color of gel food dye into each bowl. RED in the smallest, then orange, yellow, green, blue, and end with VIOLET in the LARGEST bowl.
- Don't forget to rinse your whisk after each color. (I just used a fork for each bowl.)
- Starting with the LARGEST (violet) pour each bowl into the MIDDLE of a greased 9 inch round pan.
- Spin the pan after EACH color, to distribute evenly. (Always poor it gently in the middle.)
- Bake at 325 degrees for an hour. (Tent with foil for the first half hour to prevent browning, making sure NONE of the foil is touching the cake.)
And best of all, the birthday girl Loved it! After all, it was her special day.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
My Megan Is 9
Today my oldest daughter turned 9 years old. Megan is 9?! How can that even be??!!
I can remember the day she was born, like it was yesterday. She was a breach baby from the time I was 5 months along. The same as my other two. I guess it's the cool thing to do when you're hanging out in my uterus.
So, being a breach baby, she was a planned c-section. I was so nervous! It would be my first surgery, not counting having my wisdom teeth cut out. We had to be at the hospital at 5:00am, so there wasn't much sleep going on the night before.
I remember how cold I was in the surgery room, and I was shivering. The nurses quickly gave me a warm towel to cover up with, while the anesthesiologist began to give me my epidural.
I'm not sure if she was new or what, but she poked and poked for what seemed like forever, trying to find the right spot. That was the worst, aching pain I had ever felt. I had a huge bruise, and my tailbone hurt for a month after surgery. That never happened with my other 2 children. The epidural went right in both times.
Once the epidural was in place,(thank God!) they got me situated and ready for surgery. It's the strangest feeling when that curtain goes up in front of your face. All you hear are voices and sounds.
About this time. they brought my husband in to sit by my head. Then I heard my doctor say that I would feel some tugging and maybe some pressure. All I felt was tugging, and then the most wonderful sound filled the room.
My baby was here!! And then I heard 3 little words.
It's a girl!!!
I immediately started crying. I was so happy to have a healthy baby girl. A healthy baby, more importantly.
She had such a strong cry, and never stopped crying until they brought her to me.
My baby knew my voice. What a magical moment that was. What a blessing.
The c-section was the hardest thing I've ever gone through, pain wise. My other 2 were a breeze. I'm guessing because it was my first one. But it was worth it, and I would do it all over again in a second, just to have my beautiful Megan Leann.
My, how the time does fly! I'm so thankful for home movies, so I can look back and remember a little better.
I'm so grateful to be this little girls mommy. She's sweet, caring, and an all-around great kid. I can't wait to see her make her mark in this crazy world!
I can remember the day she was born, like it was yesterday. She was a breach baby from the time I was 5 months along. The same as my other two. I guess it's the cool thing to do when you're hanging out in my uterus.
So, being a breach baby, she was a planned c-section. I was so nervous! It would be my first surgery, not counting having my wisdom teeth cut out. We had to be at the hospital at 5:00am, so there wasn't much sleep going on the night before.
I remember how cold I was in the surgery room, and I was shivering. The nurses quickly gave me a warm towel to cover up with, while the anesthesiologist began to give me my epidural.
I'm not sure if she was new or what, but she poked and poked for what seemed like forever, trying to find the right spot. That was the worst, aching pain I had ever felt. I had a huge bruise, and my tailbone hurt for a month after surgery. That never happened with my other 2 children. The epidural went right in both times.
Once the epidural was in place,(thank God!) they got me situated and ready for surgery. It's the strangest feeling when that curtain goes up in front of your face. All you hear are voices and sounds.
About this time. they brought my husband in to sit by my head. Then I heard my doctor say that I would feel some tugging and maybe some pressure. All I felt was tugging, and then the most wonderful sound filled the room.
My baby was here!! And then I heard 3 little words.
It's a girl!!!
I immediately started crying. I was so happy to have a healthy baby girl. A healthy baby, more importantly.
She had such a strong cry, and never stopped crying until they brought her to me.
My baby knew my voice. What a magical moment that was. What a blessing.
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Meeting our Megan for the first time. Love. Pure love. |
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8 months old |
Wow! I'm the mom of a 9 year old! It just can't be. She'll start 3rd grade tomorrow, and I still have quite a bit of 3rd grade memories! It's just crazy....
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My beautiful girl. |
I'm so grateful to be this little girls mommy. She's sweet, caring, and an all-around great kid. I can't wait to see her make her mark in this crazy world!
"Oh, The Places You'll Go!!"-- Dr. Seuss
Happy birthday, my girl. "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be."
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Glad Thursday
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But it's the shopping for clothes thing that I could do without. Thinking back, I've never been a fan of clothes shopping! Is that even allowed being a girl?
Don't get me wrong, I love a new outfit as much as the next girl, but shopping for them can be so tedious!!
So, yay for having my shopping done! Not to mention the girls got their back-to-school hair cuts today, and look adorable.
Don't you think?
What are you glad about today?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
So What DOES The Tooth Fairy Do With All Those Teeth?
Yesterday, my little Holly lost her 3rd tooth. We didn't even realize it was loose, because all of our focus had been on her top teeth being wiggly.
But there she was, eating her bologna and mustard sandwich, when she looked over at me and said, "Mommy, my tooth hurts right here!"
I walked over to investigate, and sure enough, there it was, barely hanging on!
I asked her if her tooth hurt before today, and she said, "It hurt when I was in bed." I said, "Well I would imagine so!"
She started getting a little scared, which is understandable, so I took her in my bedroom where it would be calm and quiet, without the distractions of her siblings. ( Luckily, my husband was still home and could mind the fort.)
Then, I got into my "tooth pulling mode" and grabbed her little tooth.
For the first time ever, all I had to do was grab it and pull! My poor sweet girl didn't even know it was out!
(Man, I wish they all came out that way...) When I had to pull Megan's first tooth, it went a little something like this.
Me: "Megan, I have to pull your tooth. Your big tooth is already coming through, and needs room."
Megan: (Crying hysterically) "Mommy, I just want you to know, that I love you and I'll see you in Heaven!"
Me: "Megan! You're going to be fine!" I know it's scary, but it really needs to come out!"
Megan: "I'm gonna die!! I'm gonna die!!!!" (This went on for 2 hours I think?LOL Megan's always been our little drama queen.)
Holly's a more "go with the flow" kinda gal. But I wouldn't change a thing about any of my kids.:-)
So, the tooth came out, and what's the first thing a child thinks about when they loose a tooth?
It's Tooth Fairy time!!
(Is there anything better than finding money under your pillow in the morning?) Yes please! And sorry Ms. Fairy, but I can't break your $50 bill, so I'll just have to keep it. (A girl can dream, can't she?)
She has insisted to keep her tooth this time, and was hopeful that the fairy would leave the tooth, and some money.
It's a good thing that I know the Tooth Fairy personally, and can make that happen.;-) It is a little creepy thinking about why exactly a fairy would want to have mounds and mounds of old teeth.
Maybe she makes jewelry.(blarf)
So, as the tradition states, she went to bed and placed her tooth under her pillow. Except we place the teeth under a small pillow at the foot of the bed, that way the Tooth Fairy doesn't wake anyone, while trying to do her job.;-)
Holly woke up to find her tooth (as requested) and a silver dollar under her pillow. And I'm almost certain we'll do it all over again in a week or two.:-)

But there she was, eating her bologna and mustard sandwich, when she looked over at me and said, "Mommy, my tooth hurts right here!"
I walked over to investigate, and sure enough, there it was, barely hanging on!
I asked her if her tooth hurt before today, and she said, "It hurt when I was in bed." I said, "Well I would imagine so!"
She started getting a little scared, which is understandable, so I took her in my bedroom where it would be calm and quiet, without the distractions of her siblings. ( Luckily, my husband was still home and could mind the fort.)
Then, I got into my "tooth pulling mode" and grabbed her little tooth.
For the first time ever, all I had to do was grab it and pull! My poor sweet girl didn't even know it was out!
(Man, I wish they all came out that way...) When I had to pull Megan's first tooth, it went a little something like this.
Me: "Megan, I have to pull your tooth. Your big tooth is already coming through, and needs room."
Megan: (Crying hysterically) "Mommy, I just want you to know, that I love you and I'll see you in Heaven!"
Me: "Megan! You're going to be fine!" I know it's scary, but it really needs to come out!"
Megan: "I'm gonna die!! I'm gonna die!!!!" (This went on for 2 hours I think?LOL Megan's always been our little drama queen.)
Holly's a more "go with the flow" kinda gal. But I wouldn't change a thing about any of my kids.:-)
So, the tooth came out, and what's the first thing a child thinks about when they loose a tooth?
It's Tooth Fairy time!!
(Is there anything better than finding money under your pillow in the morning?) Yes please! And sorry Ms. Fairy, but I can't break your $50 bill, so I'll just have to keep it. (A girl can dream, can't she?)
She has insisted to keep her tooth this time, and was hopeful that the fairy would leave the tooth, and some money.
It's a good thing that I know the Tooth Fairy personally, and can make that happen.;-) It is a little creepy thinking about why exactly a fairy would want to have mounds and mounds of old teeth.
Maybe she makes jewelry.(blarf)
Visions of fairies, dancing in her head. |

Holly woke up to find her tooth (as requested) and a silver dollar under her pillow. And I'm almost certain we'll do it all over again in a week or two.:-)

Money well spent.<3 |
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Headaches, Carrots, And Angels
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"I believe there are angels among us, sent down to us, from somewhere up above."---From the song by Alabama. |
I've always been a believer in the supernatural. Meaning, those things we don't always or ever see with our eyes.
I believe in God, Heaven, and angels.
I believe in God, Heaven, and angels.
I'm also a believer in spirits/ghosts, hauntings, and the possibility of life on other planets. (Just to make it clear, I don't believe there are little green men trying to probe a random southern person. But there's no way of knowing if there are humans way out there in no-where's ville. After all, God is awesome, and could have made that happen.)
I myself have experienced quite a few moments that I believe to be supernatural, or from the other side.
I'll write about those in a future post.
Today I'm going to tell you about an experience I had last week.
It was around 8:00 in the morning, and my 5 year old, Holly, and my 19 month old, Noah, were up for the morning. My oldest, Megan, had left for the day with her grandparents.
I woke up very tired due to my husband's snoring, and had a headache. I asked Holly to play with her brother so mommy could rest her head in bed. Our bedroom is right next to the family room, so I can hear everything that goes on out there, so they would be fine. Not to mention, Holly is a wonderful big sister.
I didn't mean to fall asleep. I'll let Megan keep an eye on her siblings when I need a few more winks, but she'll be 9 next week, and is very mature for her age. If she can't handle something, she'll come get me.
So there I was, falling asleep not meaning to, when I get this horrible inner ear pain. I remember thinking to myself, Why does my ear hurt? How can I sleep with this pain?
It was in my left ear, and I remember rolling to my right side, in hopes it would stop.
And it did.
Until I began to fall asleep again.
Once again, I had the worst inner ear pain I had ever felt! Suddenly I realized I shouldn't be sleeping anyways, and went out to the family room.
As soon as I walked out, there was Noah, sitting on the couch with a baby carrot in his mouth!
I rushed over and grabbed it out of his mouth, and informed Holly that he was too little for carrots, and could choke. She said, "I'm sorry mommy, I thought he could have them!"
I feel sick when I think about what could have happened if I didn't have that ear pain.
The miraculous thing about it, is that after I woke up, the pain never returned. I thought for sure I was going to have to call the doctor.
It was just the worst pain.
Now, you can believe what you want, but I know there was an angel, or a family member on the other side, or yes, even God himself, looking out for me and my baby boy that day.
Glad Thursday
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Today, I'm glad to have a house on a hill, so the kids can have a good time on our homemade slip and slide. Not to mention, a hill to sled down in the winter!
Since this picture was taken, we've added another tarp. Now they can slide down the whole length of the hill. I have every intention of trying it myself sometime too!!:-) |
What are you glad about today?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Jack Frost Nipping At My Brain
Does anyone else start to think about Christmas this time of year? I'm not sure the exact reason my brain goes there. Maybe it's the heat or the God awful humidity. (My money's on the combo.)

But either way, my mind goes to that wonderful time of year, full of love, hope, family, food, music, and of course my favorite....snow!! (Man, snow would feel so awesome right about now!)

This is also the time of year I at least try to start my Christmas shopping. Try, being the key word here.
At least we've been putting money away all summer. That counts....right?
Maybe I'll be able to focus more on it after the kids go back to school. Lord knows school shopping can be almost as expensive...and at times more tedious. (Do you know how hard it is to find shorts this time of year? The stores have all their fall and winter stuff out, and a decent pair of shorts for a child, is few and far between. At least that's been my luck so far for my oldest.)
Next year I'll start early.
But then again, that's what I say every year.LOL

But either way, my mind goes to that wonderful time of year, full of love, hope, family, food, music, and of course my favorite....snow!! (Man, snow would feel so awesome right about now!)

This is also the time of year I at least try to start my Christmas shopping. Try, being the key word here.
At least we've been putting money away all summer. That counts....right?
Maybe I'll be able to focus more on it after the kids go back to school. Lord knows school shopping can be almost as expensive...and at times more tedious. (Do you know how hard it is to find shorts this time of year? The stores have all their fall and winter stuff out, and a decent pair of shorts for a child, is few and far between. At least that's been my luck so far for my oldest.)
Next year I'll start early.
But then again, that's what I say every year.LOL
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Live it up, Fat boy. Your vacation's almost over. |
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