Monday, November 7, 2011

A Month Of Thanks

Today I'm thankful that last night, Mama Punkin herself, AKA Dot Marie Jones, AKA Coach Beiste from Glee, responded to my tweet on Twitter!!

I tweeted that I thought she stole the show last year, during the Christmas episode, and was wondering if she was going to make me cry again this year.

And she responded with, "Maybe Tues. night episode 5."

Yes, it was a short response, but it's still a response, so I'll take it! And I'm pretty sure tomorrow's episode is episode 5, so I can't wait to see what she's talking about!!

I've always had a goal of getting a tweet back from a celebrity, and I can't believe it's finally happened!:) Dot is really good at tweeting her fans though, and she's the only famous person I've seen, that actually takes the time to write back to tons of people, almost on a daily basis. She refers to the fans as "Her little Punkins", and the fans refer to her as "Mama Punkin".

Such a cool experience for this stay at home mommy! It's the little things people!!:)
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April said...

Did she make you cry? (I didn't watch!)

Amy said...

I got teary eyed! She's good at showing emotion!:-)


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