Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Magic

Tonight we had our nephews over to spend the night. The girls always love for them to stay over, and we like the silly times that are had by all, when they do.

We decided to go in the backyard in the evening, to catch lightning bugs. There's just something magical about the site of those beautiful, glowing lights in the summer night sky.

And the childhood memories it brings back to me! I'm instantly transported to my Grandma and Grandpa Church's front yard, running around in the night air with my cousins, laughing and having a wonderfully care-free time.

Oh, and I can't forget the glass Miracle Whip jar! At least, that's what we used. And If we didn't have that, we just used a regular old mason jar.

My husband also got out some leftover sparklers from last year, and we all had fun making magical writings in the air. And we only had one minor burn! One burn out of 6 people isn't so bad, right? ;-)

Luckily, I have an aloe plant, and all is well.:)

I love living in the country.

It was a perfect night of fireflies, bats in the sky, and the smell of sulfur.

Summertime is here again!!

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