Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Glad Game

One of my favorite Disney movies, is Pollyanna. The story is sweet, and it just makes me feel all warm inside. And I know it's a tad unrealistic, to believe that someone could be that positive about life, ( especially when they're accidentally given crutches, instead of a doll. Oh, and losing all feeling in their legs.) but, I think it's still a wonderful way to look at life.

Not to mention, there's an awesome Grandma on the drums! I mean, just look at her!! Rock on, Grandma!!

(I still laugh with pure joy, every time I see this part!)

I also wouldn't mind attending one of those Bazaars they had on there! Did you see the size of the cake slices they were handing out? Yes please!!

(A shame she didn't get to finish it...)
So, in honor of Pollyanna Whittier, I've decided to play "The Glad Game", and will try to do so every Thursday. 

Welcome to Glad Thursday's!!!

Today, I'm glad that I became a blogger, and can share these off the wall things with all of you, instead of writing it all down in some boring journal, that only I could enjoy. This is much more fun!!

Happy Glad Thursday, everyone!!


becki said...

I have to start blogging again....when do you find time...? I don't think I ever saw Pollyanna, isn't that weird? Maybe I will have to put it on my list and watch it with Karaline someday.

Amy said...

I usually blog late at night, after the kids are in bed. That's the only time I can think without interruptions.LOL Although, I end up extra tired the next day. You should really watch Pollyanna together. My sister and I both liked it, even when we were really little. Of course, we tend to like older movies.:)


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