Tuesday, February 21, 2012

12 Years Of 2ge+ther

12 years ago, MTV introduced to the world not only their first movie, but the band 2gether. Like I've told you guys before, I love boy bands!!

But 2gether had something the other guys didn't.


Not that NSYNC didn't make me laugh. Trust me, they did! I still have my vhs tape called, NSYNC: 'N The Mix, and it was filled with the guys being goofy.

But 2gether was all about bringing the funny! If you don't know who they are, the best way to explain them is that they are a "mock" boy band. Fictional characters, yes. But they did their own singing and dancing. And they were awesome!


After the movie did so well, MTV decided to turn 2gether into a series, which ended far too soon, due to the sudden death of the youngest member, Michael Cuccione. Then, before we could even comprehend what had happened, 2gether was gone.

All hope seemed lost to us 2gether fans.

Until this year......2012gether.

MTV signed over the rights to the remaining members, and a reunion is in the process!

The journey will be long, but oh so worth it!

Listening to my boy bands, reminds me of a simpler time in my life. Before the hustle and bustle of family life took over. Listening to that wonderful pop music, helps me remember that I'm still me. Even on days that i'm lacking sleep, and too tired to get dressed, let alone put make-up on!

Young Amy is still in there.

And I hope she always is.♥

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