Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Princess And The Frog

A few days ago, my youngest daughter Holly, was excited to get outside and start her favorite spring/summertime hobby, catching frogs. We live along the Tippy River, and are surrounded by trees and nature. A Tomboy's paradise. I don't mind her doing it, just as long as she's gentle, and puts them back where she found them. You know, after she's done giving them rides in her Barbie jeep.

After some time, I had to come inside to use the bathroom, and while I was in there, I heard Holly come inside, and go into her bedroom. I walked out of the bathroom, and went to the computer to check Facebook. While I was there, Holly walked out of her room, closed her door, and looked at me and said, "Mommy, there are no frogs in the house."

This of course means, " Mommy, I soooo have a frog in the house!" So I said, "Holly Jane, did you bring a frog in here?"  "Yes....:-)" she said with a big smile. "It's so cute, and I wanted to take a shower with it!"

I replied, "Go get the frog and take it back outside so it can go home!......where is it?"  "In my jewelry box." she said. 

(A picture of one of her froggy friends from last year.)
 I had to laugh! Her pretty pink jewelry box, with a dancing ballerina, was the perfect temporary home for her "froggy friend".

Only my Holly.


Jessi said...

Love it!! Your girl is resourceful! You should be proud but definitely ever watchful. haha Let's hope she doesn't graduate to larger creatures.

Amy said...

I'm not sure I could handle a snake in the house, or anywhere for that matter, so I HOPE she sticks with frogs!! Ha Ha!! I'm glad I could find something to write about. It's been a long time sice my last post. Heck, it's been a long time since I've read ANY blogs! I need to get caught up soon! I'll get there though!:-) Thanks for reading, Jessi!!


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