Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1st Grade, Round One.

Today's DeLorean trip is taking us to the 1984-1985 school year. I was a 1st grader at Leesburg Elementary School. This is part 2 of my flashback to school years.

After a traumatizing school year in Kindergarten, I went into first grade not knowing what to expect. I was a student in Mrs. Morrison's class, and from the beginning, found her to be a kind woman.

But because I was a little scarred from having to endure Mrs. D., I was left with a hard time finding trust. I mean, I felt safe and all, but I was always wondering if that would all change.

1st grade

I was so afraid of confrontation, that I would often pee my pants, from being too scared to ask to use the restroom. Which was sad, because like I said, I had a wonderful teacher.

Mrs. Morrison was great, but there was one little boy who saw to it, that I didn't get too comfortable in my surroundings. His name was McCray. I remember he had red hair, and teased me most everyday. And it wasn't the fun kind of teasing. He was just mean! If I failed at something, he was always there to make sure I knew it.

I'm guessing that's why I developed a nervous twitch. That, and the trauma from the year before. I began to blink my eyes closed tightly, over and over. 

Do you remember Chuck, from The Wonder Years, and how he blinked his eyes all the time? Yep, that was me in 1st grade.lol

So, you can imagine the fuel that gave McCray to make fun of me. It became so bad, that my mom took me to the eye doctor, and they gave me reading glasses which had the weakest prescription you can get, just in hopes it would make me at least believe they would cure the blinking. FYI....they didn't.

I was failing in all my subjects, and on top of it, didn't have many friends. I would cry because other than my friend Rebbeca, no one wanted to play with me at recess. When she was absent, I was lost.

I was invited to a classmate's birthday party, which did wonders for my low self esteem. And the little girl who hosted the party, was always nice to me. I really needed that, and will forever be thankful for her kindness.

Because I was so far behind the other children, the teachers decided I should repeat the first grade. I was upset, because all I could think about, was the fact that this would give kids just another reason to pick on me. Little did I know, it would be the best  thing that could happen to me. My little life was about to make a much needed turn for the better.



becki said...

I really enjoyed that...everyone has struggles. You overcame yours and have become a wonderful Mother to your children.

Amy said...

Thanks Becki. This one was a lot easier for me to write, than the one about kindergarten. They were the hardest 2 years for little Amy, that's for sure! Thank you for the sweet comments.:)


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